How to Make a Real Estate Offer


A real estate offer is a legally binding contract that defines a buyer’s and seller’s intent to buy or sell property. It can be a complex document with terms that differ between buyers and sellers, but understanding them is essential to a smooth and successful purchase process.

How to Make an Offer

First, get preapproved for a mortgage or other financial institution, so you know how much you can afford to spend. Next, determine what a good offer price for your home would be based on comparable sales and other market information from your research or a comparative market analysis provided by your real estate agent.

The right offer price is an important component of your overall strategy, as it will determine whether you’re going to be able to compete with other offers on the same home. This is why it’s crucial to have a real estate agent by your side who can help you find an appropriate offering price for the home you’re buying. Also read


What to Include in Your Offer

The real estate purchase contract is a complicated legal document that sets forth the details of your offer, including the sale price, financing and closing date. It also includes terms, such as a deposit, that must be met before the transaction can move forward.

It may include contingencies, such as a home inspection and loan approval. You can typically waive some of these, but talk to your real estate agent before doing so, as it can lead to serious repercussions for the seller.

What to Do When Your Offer is Rejected

If the seller rejects your offer, it’s time to consider how you want to proceed. You can accept their offer, decline it and move on, or negotiate with them for more terms. This is where your real estate agent can be helpful, as they know how to negotiate the best deal for you and have the experience to do it.

How to Prepare Your Offer

In some states, a real estate lawyer is required to prepare or review your written offer. This can be helpful, as it ensures you don’t leave out important details that could torpedo the entire deal.

You can also ask your real estate agent to add language that will make it more attractive for a seller to accept your offer. For example, you can request that the property be inspected or that any major repairs be completed by a certain date.


When you’re ready to write your offer, your real estate agent will help you draft it and prepare it for submission to the seller. You should review it carefully and make sure you’ve included all the necessary information, such as your name, address, phone number and email.

Your agent can also help you include an escalation clause, which will allow you to pay more than the seller’s highest offer for the home. This can be an effective way to increase the likelihood that the home will sell, especially in a hot seller’s market where several buyers are interested in the same house.

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